
And Then there was PRAYER

“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” ~ Oswald Chambers I have to be honest.  Prayer is tough work.  Far too often it’s…

This Is All I Have To Give: Letting Go

One of this week’s Bloghop themes for P31 Ministries online Bible Studies, Am I Messing Up My Kids? just hit home in a big way.  In last week’s post I…

From “Idealistic” to “Realistic”: Being a Mom is Tough

My post today is deviating a bit from the norm.  This post is more for the moms out there navigating the tough waters that is motherhood than really anyone else. …

The Game Changer

I’m just going to come right out and say it.  I’m tired.  Really tired.  It’s no secret that our little family has been in transition since the week before Christmas. …

The “Painful” Truth

My husband often says that I sleep funny.  It’s true, I don’t deny it.  I take an almost soldier-like stance in my sleep.  Flat on my back with hands to…

The Comparison Trap

Honestly, sometimes I feel like this guy. Exhausted.  Stretched beyond my limit.  Feeling like I’m not measuring-up; that somehow I’ve managed to come-up short yet again. Feeling simply like a…

The Big Re-Launch

It’s been a LONG time since I have attempted to write anything.  Especially blog writing. Really, I’m shocked to admit that.  You see, in all the hobbies and activities I…

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