

“Have you prayed lately”? This was a question a dear friend asked me quite a long time ago and it has resonated with me ever since.  When the question was…

I Want a Faith Like That

Day in and day out there is much to take in.  There are beautiful days.  Days when faith comes in an easy swagger to an effortless walk, measured with an…


To Gain Perspective, Sometimes You Just Need to Step Back

It’s been nearly a year now. For most of March and April last year I was living in a world centered around packed suitcases, car trips, and hospital visits.  One…

Are You in Need of a Little Hope Today? There is an Endless Source for it.

Spring is on the horizon.  Everywhere I look life is beginning to awaken.  Trees are budding, plants are pushing past the dead and the dirt to reveal the beautiful glimpse…

Heads Up!

Happy Monday everyone!  This is just a quick little head’s up to say this week is going to be a busy week on the blog.  I have to apologize in…

The Father-Heart in “No”

Jesus was God walking with skin on. All the power and authority of God was also wrapped up in His son, but rather than exercising His own will and power to save, Jesus walked and acted in humble submission, fully trusting the will and heart of His father God.

Three Things

Sit with me for just a moment.  If we were face-to-face I’d probably wrap you in a tangible hug and open my tea and coffee cupboards up to you.  I…

Ocean Deep

Have you been there?  That feeling of being completely overtaken by something too large to wrap your head around?  Have you stared out into the unknown only to be met…


“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you…

Soul Days

I’ve always loved Fall.  I love how the leaves turn all kinds of brilliant, especially the crimson and fire orange ones that I wish could linger longer than the Kansas…

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