• Faith,  Featured

    God of Comfort

    I have a secrete. Last week I spent most of the days in tears when no one was looking. I guess that’s not so secrete anymore. Why do I share that? Because chances are, most days, I’m not the only one that wears happy on the outside and struggles on the inside. We all have struggles. We all have loss, pain, defeats we are doing inner battle with while we put one foot in front of the other, doing the next thing. That simple act of walking some days can be so hard. Last week was hard because it was the return of my normal, every-day cycle. No big deal.…

  • Featured

    Back to the Basics

    Circumstances in life are inevitable. They are no more avoidable than the air we breath or the steps we take. Some are small, insignificant-even welcomed. Others are much larger than that. They are the uninvited ones, the unexpected, take our breath away storms. Moments just too big they cant do anything but shape, shift, and re-define us. Pivotal moments. It’s in these unwelcome winds of change we crave a time-out button. We want life to stop long enough to breathe but life keeps moving. Life moves fast. It’s Disorienting. That’s what it feels like to drive through storms. I remember well the day I drove down the highway on my…

  • Faith,  Featured

    Are You in Need of a Little Hope Today? There is an Endless Source for it.

    Spring is on the horizon.  Everywhere I look life is beginning to awaken.  Trees are budding, plants are pushing past the dead and the dirt to reveal the beautiful glimpse of fresh color, new hope.  I love this time of year ALMOST as much as Fall. This was also one of my dad’s favorite seasons, perhaps the one he looked forward to more than any.  He was a gardener with a green thumb that I DID NOT inherit.  He knew the proper time to begin tilling the ground to ready it for planting.  He knew what to plant and when.  He knew the perfect spot for planting anything, that spot…

  • Faith,  Featured,  HardTimes

    Three Things

    Sit with me for just a moment.  If we were face-to-face I’d probably wrap you in a tangible hug and open my tea and coffee cupboards up to you.  I hope you like yours dark because I brew a mean cup of coffee strong enough to put hair on your chest, or so they say.  I would also bend an ear your direction.  This is a moment of full disclosure, a moment to openly share the hard.  I know broken.  I’ve been broken.  I am broken.  I’ve spent lonely nights walking circles in the rain trying desperately to find a second set of steps to calm the storm.  Silence can…

  • Primary

    Do You Know Who, or Rather Whose, You Are?

    Both you and I were intentionally created.   We don’t meaninglessly exist one moment and cease to exist the next. We were carefully chosen and purposefully knit together with more love and intention than you and I can possibly even begin to wrap our minds around. We are individually unique, uniquely called, and called to proclaim Him who claimed us. We are NOT designed to live individually independent of each other or of God. We are NOT to be mini-gods. Our culture’s foundation rests on the premise that “self” matters more than anything or anyone. Not only is it a multimillion dollar market but an entrenched and deepening mindset, whether we…

  • Featured

    The Big Re-Launch

    It’s been a LONG time since I have attempted to write anything.  Especially blog writing. Really, I’m shocked to admit that.  You see, in all the hobbies and activities I have ever loved doing,  writing was my number one creative outlet.  Somewhere along the way though I  just stopped.   Life has this way of getting busy.  Too busy.  At least that’s one excuse I like to use for my lack of written words.  Mainly though, I believe I stopped writing out of fear.  Fear of failure, fear of not measuring up, fear of not being liked, fear of the ambiguity of writing in general.  Somehow it just became easier…

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