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    Today it’s raining.  I managed to score a spot at a window table in my favorite bookstore.  The windows are tall, really tall.  I love that.  I love to be able to see a floor to ceiling view.  It helps me feel like I am outside yet I can remain comfortably inside, especially on a rainy and stormy morning such as this.  There is a peace to watching rain fall and life happen all around you.  From where I sit there is a tree directly inline of my view and a beautiful little grassy area where critters like to camp.  Not a lot of people venture out in rain and…

  • Faith,  Featured,  Life

    It Is Well

    Outside snow is finally beginning to fall.  It’s the middle of December but amazingly for most of the week it’s been warm enough to crack windows open and break out short sleeves.  Not so today.  Today it snows.  Today I sit curled up with a hot cup of coffee, a roaring fire, a sleeping little boy and an open Bible.  My Bible has not been open much these days.  There are all the normal excuses.  “Too busy” is my default in December.  There is shopping to finish, packages to wrap, food to make, food to eat, places to go and people to see.  Outside, along with the snow, there is…

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    The Big Re-Launch

    It’s been a LONG time since I have attempted to write anything.  Especially blog writing. Really, I’m shocked to admit that.  You see, in all the hobbies and activities I have ever loved doing,  writing was my number one creative outlet.  Somewhere along the way though I  just stopped.   Life has this way of getting busy.  Too busy.  At least that’s one excuse I like to use for my lack of written words.  Mainly though, I believe I stopped writing out of fear.  Fear of failure, fear of not measuring up, fear of not being liked, fear of the ambiguity of writing in general.  Somehow it just became easier…

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