• Faith,  Family,  Life

    Have You Been Praying Starved, Underwhelming Prayers?

    Confession time:  I just killed off a slice of peach pie large enough for two.  Yep.  I wish I could say I stopped there.  I also may have had a little bit of fudge to go with that, and a large, very large cup of coffee.  The indigestion is real.  This isn’t standard practice for this momma, but it’s been one of those weeks.  OK, maybe one of those seasons.  A rat-race, get your coffee hot but drink it cold an hour later kind of season.  Busy, straight-up busy.   You know, the kind of busy you walk in the front door from, carrying way too many bags while not having…

  • Faith,  Featured,  HardTimes,  Life


    “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” ~ Jeremiah 17: 7-8 Ground stepped on can feel quite shaky.  Like mountain soil slick with rocks refusing to let our feet hold firm.  Overwhelming like a field so vast it confuses our feet into indecision.  Unfamiliar floors weighed by foreign walls standing in hello to an 11 year old freshly…

  • Faith,  Featured

    Are You in Need of a Little Hope Today? There is an Endless Source for it.

    Spring is on the horizon.  Everywhere I look life is beginning to awaken.  Trees are budding, plants are pushing past the dead and the dirt to reveal the beautiful glimpse of fresh color, new hope.  I love this time of year ALMOST as much as Fall. This was also one of my dad’s favorite seasons, perhaps the one he looked forward to more than any.  He was a gardener with a green thumb that I DID NOT inherit.  He knew the proper time to begin tilling the ground to ready it for planting.  He knew what to plant and when.  He knew the perfect spot for planting anything, that spot…

  • Faith,  Featured,  Life

    Heads Up!

    Happy Monday everyone!  This is just a quick little head’s up to say this week is going to be a busy week on the blog.  I have to apologize in advance as the blog will be undergoing some “construction” of sorts and moving to it’s own designated domain on the web.  As I make the move there may be some re-working involved and more than likely  a good share of kinks to work out so hang in there with me. I’m truly excited to get everything officially up and running.  And I mean really excited!  The kind of excited that has probably been driving my sweet husband a little nuts…

  • Faith,  Featured,  HardTimes

    Three Things

    Sit with me for just a moment.  If we were face-to-face I’d probably wrap you in a tangible hug and open my tea and coffee cupboards up to you.  I hope you like yours dark because I brew a mean cup of coffee strong enough to put hair on your chest, or so they say.  I would also bend an ear your direction.  This is a moment of full disclosure, a moment to openly share the hard.  I know broken.  I’ve been broken.  I am broken.  I’ve spent lonely nights walking circles in the rain trying desperately to find a second set of steps to calm the storm.  Silence can…

  • Faith,  Featured,  Life

    Ocean Deep

    Have you been there?  That feeling of being completely overtaken by something too large to wrap your head around?  Have you stared out into the unknown only to be met with a vastness that was just too much to take in, too much to comprehend?  You know, those waters that have left you tossed and gasping for breath?  Drowning in the too deep for far too long.  Yes, those deep waters of hard circumstances that wage war and churn at the heart.  I get it.  I really do. It’s been forever and a day ago, but I will never forget a particular evening when I keenly felt the vulnerability of…

  • Faith,  Family,  Featured


    “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”  ~ Luke 22: 31-31   The sum total of what is known, unknown and what remains of my childhood sit downstairs in stacked boxes.  I’ve been putting off the going-through of them for sometime.  I’ve been telling myself that I’ll wait until the business of estate handling is over, which has been a process to say the least.  Now there is light at the end of that tunnel and so the “sifting” has begun. …

  • Faith,  Featured,  Life,  Primary

    Soul Days

    I’ve always loved Fall.  I love how the leaves turn all kinds of brilliant, especially the crimson and fire orange ones that I wish could linger longer than the Kansas wind.  On the rare calm days, right after the leaves have just turned, it’s hard for me not to just stare and inhale the crispness of the air.  There is simplistic beauty in changing seasons. Most days, especially as of late, my days have been brimming with a laundry list of to-do’s.  There has been loud, lived-out noise in the chaos of a constant stream of life.  Most of it all wonderful things I welcome.  Such as racing my sweet…

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