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Happy Monday everyone! This is just a quick little head’s up to say this week is going to be a busy week on the blog. I have to apologize in advance as the blog will be undergoing some “construction” of sorts and moving to it’s own designated domain on the web. As I make the move there may be some re-working involved and more than likely a good share of kinks to work out so hang in there with me.
I’m truly excited to get everything officially up and running. And I mean really excited! The kind of excited that has probably been driving my sweet husband a little nuts lately. (In all seriousness, it’s his support that is fueling this move and big step out and I love him beyond words for that). But full disclosure here: I pray this grows into something more than just a blog. In a world that’s so upside down and inside out right now I truly hope this move with the blog will create the foundation for a community of encouragement and better serve you, the readers. Life is messy,oh-so-messy, but that doesn’t mean that it can not be beautiful or that we can’t find something lovely to rejoice in. There is HOPE to live beyond the broken and that’s exactly what this blog, as it takes shape, will aim to do.
As things do take shape, I kind of loved this encouragement from Zechariah 4:10a:
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”
STAY TUNED and get excited for the ride, I know I am!