Where to Find Answers to Identity Issues We Wrestle
“But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by my name, you are mine.”
Isaiah 43:1
Recently, I was challenged to consider the question, “Who am I?” On the surface, I am many things. I am a wife, daughter, a mother, and photographer. I am a homeschool mom, a learner, teacher and writer. I have been many things and done many things—often tying my identity to them all. Identity is like a hat I wear on any given season, but seasons shift—they come and go. Much like seasons, all of the afore mentioned things can be gone tomorrow—in the blink of an eye. When positions and people are no longer part of my present reality, where does that leave my identity? How do I wrestle the question of who I am?
Who we are must be rooted in something deeper than ourselves. Who we are must be tethered to an unshifting reality. Ultimately, the hard questions of identity we wrestle with find their answer in the one who created us in the first place. My identity is more than just my name, what I do, or what’s been done to me. Yes, I am Kristy, but I am Kristy, saved by grace. I am Kristy, daughter of the King. I am seen, known, and called by God who loved and redeemed me. I am His. And so are you—if you believe Christ is who He says He is.
In a culture prone to idolize all things, including positions, wealth and people, God would have us turn to Him. God would have us remember we are created in His image (Gen. 1:27), for His glory (Isa. 43:6-7). God would have us know He is the Lord, OUR God, the Holy One of Israel—OUR Savior (Isa. 43:3). God reminds us that we, who believe and call upon Him, are redeemed—ransomed by God at a great cost that mystifies human reasoning. We are redeemed because we are precious in His eyes, honored, and loved (Isa. 43:4).
This God, who is strength, imparts His strength to us—sharing with us like a father to a child. God regards us as honored. He sees us as His own. Not because of what we have done, or who we are, but because of whose we are—God’s. Knowing we belong to God helps permanently end any identity issues we may have. In God we are brought into unending relationship where God loves well, completely and forever. His love is steadfast—standing at the ready for us even while we are still sinners (Rom. 5:8). God calls us His own—we are His priceless treasure.
In life I have known the sting of death, felt rejection’s bitter crush, and ached from the loneliness of feeling uninvited in a crowded room. I have worn many hats, and many feelings. These hard realities often surface questions of worth and identity. Feelings tempt me to forget I am more than the hats I wear, or the things I have done. My own limited understanding tempts me to disbelieve I am precious in the sight of my God. Wrestlings attempt to persuade me to trust in empty things that have no eternal value and there place my sense of worth and identity. God is the answer—the ONLY answer. To know I am God’s, to know how deeply I have been saved, is answer that is more than enough. This—this deep, resolute, unshakable assurance from God, is true rest from the wrestling.